Thursday, July 17, 2008

Ape Caves Hike 2008

Sorry these first 5 photos should be last, but just roll with it.
This is volcanic rock in the lava tube.

A dramatic look after crawling out of a 20 ft.crawl space that
some of the braver souls endured. 

This is our exit. Phew!

Ain't Helen a perty little thang?

Peter with our hikers.  Emma's friend Sam
was along for the trek.

Here is the opening of The Ape Caves at Mt. St. Helens.
I'm still in awe of the 2 hikes we endured yesterday.
The caves are actuallly lava tubes that formed over 1,900 years ago.
Peter and I are so impressed with how well these 
kids handled the 2 cave hikes ... whine-free to boot!
My favorite quote from Will:
"this isn't hard mom, this is fun"
(his special lisp makes it oh-so-scrumptious to hear)

It is absolutely pitch black inside.
If you don't take a moment to look up every once 
in a while with your headlamp, you may miss something pretty crazy like this.

Peter remembered a funny little hideout.
He and Theo got ahead of us (as well as above us) and freaked us out as we came along.

A much need skylight along the way to give hope to wee ones 
who were starting to worry that maybe it didn't really end after all. 

The Exit.


Jellybean said...

very cool! Love that Will did it in his crocs!

Great talking with you today; another day soon

sara said...

Ooo-baby. I think the fam would be up for this one on our next visit! And we'll drag Jim-Jim along.