Monday, December 22, 2008

Snowstorm 2008

Snowstorm 2008

Snowstorm 2008

Hi All!  This type of snowfall is unheard of for the whimpy Northwesters!  Our entire family is having a blast.  Everything is shut down.  Businesses are freakin' as it's really hard to get around.  The hills and ice factor have kept me from driving for hmmmm..... almost  5 days.
Kind of kwazzzzzzyyyyyy!

Sledding down our street.

Theo and Jim getting groceries on Sunday by sled. 

Monday, November 10, 2008

This Mama's for Obama!

Crying and hugging anyone we see when the results came in!
I did know these friends, as they organized us all together... Kathryn and Tom( "Slash")

Here we are at the Westin Hotel .... where the dems here in Seattle gather for elections.

Incredible edibles by our friend Jim...... no not my Jim.

I think the kids will remember this election!
It was a very wild and fun event.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Celebrating the last official soccer weekend!!!!!!

On the Pathogens team, 
his number was the doc. code # for rat virus.  Scary.

Will's team...... practice usually ended up shirtless.  
I know this is only the beginning, you don't have to remind us.... Just pray for us!

What I love about Seattle.... 
she's one of the teen refs we had this season.

There goes Emma ..... playing for the fiercely named "Squirrels".
I'll let her tell you about getting knocked down like one of those clown punching bags.
Sometimes size does make a difference.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Halloween Fun

"Wolfman "

The Mummy and his classmate

Frankenstein and the Teacher named Goldilocks

On the prowl!

Dr. Frankenstein definitely got some wires crossed in this creation!


Monday, September 8, 2008

Our Lopez Island Camping Trip

 Here is Granny's property on Lopez Island. 
Jim and the boys harvested fire wood here each day.

This is the shoreline of her property.

The view.... it faces east.

Biking on Lopez .....ahhhh to all be on bikes was a blast!

I think this is Shark Reef bay.  An easy hike with fun to find,

Check out our Hobitat!

This is the beach across from our campsite.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Renton River Days!
It's so "sun country", but I must admit
it was rather sweet... 
at least the bits we participated in.

The rubber ducky derby
(call me simple, but this is one of the 
cutest festival events I've been to)

The first duckies to make it to the bridge down the river, 
 win of all sorts of prizes.
Perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon!

The Wenatchee Youth circus:
a little carnie but fun to watch these young kids
do stuff like this!
Emma says, just looking at that makes her butt tingle!

Recycle Fun Music Machine
Maybe after our ugly doll phase we'll move on to these!
Chop sticks with duct tape on the tips are the drumming sticks.

boy toys
add a touch of fire
even better

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Ape Caves Hike 2008

Sorry these first 5 photos should be last, but just roll with it.
This is volcanic rock in the lava tube.

A dramatic look after crawling out of a 20 ft.crawl space that
some of the braver souls endured. 

This is our exit. Phew!

Ain't Helen a perty little thang?

Peter with our hikers.  Emma's friend Sam
was along for the trek.

Here is the opening of The Ape Caves at Mt. St. Helens.
I'm still in awe of the 2 hikes we endured yesterday.
The caves are actuallly lava tubes that formed over 1,900 years ago.
Peter and I are so impressed with how well these 
kids handled the 2 cave hikes ... whine-free to boot!
My favorite quote from Will:
"this isn't hard mom, this is fun"
(his special lisp makes it oh-so-scrumptious to hear)

It is absolutely pitch black inside.
If you don't take a moment to look up every once 
in a while with your headlamp, you may miss something pretty crazy like this.

Peter remembered a funny little hideout.
He and Theo got ahead of us (as well as above us) and freaked us out as we came along.

A much need skylight along the way to give hope to wee ones 
who were starting to worry that maybe it didn't really end after all. 

The Exit.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

More "Daisy Nose it " fun

Watch out or you'll get supersoaked!
(they  were both armed so it was double trouble)

More Pike place posing.
Izzy, our very serious hiker.... errrr maybe for just a moment.

We found the troll!
(Look what is in it's hand!)

Look what happens when Auntie Gabby says "I'll give you 5 bucks if you...."
(I didn't think they'd bite... literally!)

 "crazy cousies"